Sunday, August 23, 2009


after everything that i've known, learned, and experienced this week, i've realized...

that there are people who, no matter what they say or do, can never change.

that in order to mask their tragic lives, people always have the tendency to proclaim greatness.

that even if they say they aren't affected, they are.

that serious, lengthy conversations do not always guarantee a sealed deal - sometimes it's just a ploy for other motives.

there are some who thrive on attention and takes a stab on every possible opportunity to achieve self-gratification.

"love" can be expensive for the desperate. what a pity...

that denial is an illness.

that some people have actually mastered the art of lying. it's when their lies become their truths and they believe all of it even if everyone else does not.

"sorry", most of the time, is just a 5-letter word and does not mean anything.

all of these in one week. people-watching is a great learning tool. i hope next week gives happy wisdom.

Shine on and be happy!!!

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