In observance of the Holy Week, there were selected and limited shows on all the local channels, most of which are in line with the whole Holy Week celebration. Last Saturday, we chanced upon a Lenten Recollection show on ABS-CBN as we got home. For some reason, apart from I was cooking dinner, we did not change the channel. There was this bishop (I forgot his name, my bad) giving the lecture.
He was humorous and serious at the same time. He was never boring. One reason why I lost that interest to go to church was because some priests do not get anywhere with their homilies. There were even times that I thought I understood better whichever scripture or homily topic he was trying to explain. Forgive me for not being a believer of religion much. Don't get me wrong. I have my faith. It's the structure of my religion that I have lost belief in. Anyhow, going back, the bishop who was in this Lenten Recollection gave really, really nice points on how we live our lives. I won't discuss much what he has said. My point is that, he knew what he was saying and he knew how to say it. He got the attention of everyone in the audience - even me! Imagine that. :]
I'm not sure if charisma is a subject taken in the seminary but if it is and if all priests or seminarians get A's on this subject then maybe there would be more churchgoers. I don't know. This is just me. Kudos to that bishop though. Ang galing!
Shine on and be happy!!!
I was born and raised Catholic but in the Catholic religion, I never found any spiritual meaning of my existence and I tended to doubt about rituals that most Catholics do like novenas, rosaries and kissing the saints' statues. I have nothing against Catholicism. But I never had found the answers in that religion full of rituals. At 19, I became a Born-Again Christian and from then on, I gradually found what I was looking for. That righteousness can never be earned by going to mass, having communion, reciting novena and the rosary, etc. I learned that faith in God through His Son gives you an assurance to eternal life. Righteousness is not earned , it is given by the grace of God. I still commit sins and mistakes but I know that I am going to try harder to please God by obeying His Word and by loving and forgiving others.
ReplyDeleteI tell you, going to church does not please God if in your heart , there's still sin and unforgiveness, or after going out of the church , you still bear that grudge against somebody or had never let the Word of God go right through your heart to change you.You can talk and pray to God wherever and whenever you are. In fact, God encourages that --to talk to Him several times a day and spend time alone with Him by meditating on His Word everyday.
God does not like repetitive prayers. He is not deaf nor stupid. He is your Father and you don't have to beg. He already knows what you need. So when you pray, talk to Him, by praising Him for his goodness and past blessings, with a thankful heart and say what you need. You can say the prayer next time again , but not repetitively in one.
Jesus died for our sins on the cross, He already paid the price.
Exactly! That's what I do. I converse with Him like He's here with me. I don't see the point of memorizing prayers. They're not what I want to say to Him. I feel more at peace when I tell Him what I want and feel and I believe He appreciates it more. It's not like He does not listen if I don't go to church. I know He is there for me even if I don't practice the religion I was born and baptized into. I believe He is not a selfish God and I believe He is my friend. Again, I have not lost my faith. It's just the religion I don't believe in. :]