The weather change and the supposed global warming has impregnated my hyperactive imagination of many wierd seeds:
1. The Philippine Umbrella - One summer, probably one of the hottest it has ever been my entire life, i imagined what if there's a very HUGE umbrella in Cebu - being in the middle of the country. This umbrella would have titanium for its skeleton and could be controlled by a switch stationed in the main office of PAG ASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Service Administration). The main pole of this umbrella could be extended to the heavens so when the actual umbrella would be opened, no one or nothing could get hit (imagine that!). This umbrella covers the entire country and we will be spared from the direct sunlight. I know, it would still be hot but at least no direct sunlight. Of course, this umbrella is UV protected. :]

2. Giant Funnels - It has been a Filipino practice to save rain water in tanks and drums. But it takes lots of rain to fill these tanks and drums so I imagined having big funnels to be put on top of the tanks and this saves funnels in more rain water. Tadah!!! Water conservation. Rain water for cleaning the house, the car, gardening, etc...
3. Plastic Boots - When it rains, it pours, when it pours, it floods. Haha. Rubber boots is one of the essential items to have for floods but carrying around these rubber boots are a hassle. Imagine bringing the boots when you go to work or putting them in you bag. What a site. So, I imagined having plastic boots. Plastic as in rollable plastic - packable plastic with elastics on its upper rim. You can't use high heeled shoes though as it will puncture holes. (This idea sprung from seeing people wrap their feet with grocery plastic bags during rainy season and flood)
4. White roofs - Global warming is one of the hottest issues in science nowadays. Ice melting, water reservoirs drying up, etc, etc...This I imagined when I was on a rooftop - what if all the roofs were painted white? This could then reflect more light back to the atmosphere (maybe) thus resulting to the precipitation process. (See, I still remember my grade school science). I did not know that this idea is viable until THIS. My idea was actually feasible. WOW. I have a brilliant brain. Haha.

Shine on and be happy!!!
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