it's funny how we sometimes surrender to complete stubborness and just go with instincts. nevermind that we were told not to, nevermind that we were told it would hurt - that it would cause the dreaded and much avoided pain in the gut.
it's funny how we try to stand firm on our answers and show other people we were right even if we know it was not the firm stand at all. all the more funny when we swim into the pool of regret when we realize it is way beyond late to even retract a single word. and then it hits us to the core...we can never get one day back, not a single breath back, not a split second, not a blink...
then we realize how much was lost, how much had gone by. all we can do is sit, stare at the beautiful thing lying in front of us in the night. a beautiful thing we can't touch, get nearer to, hold, smell, kiss. everything just slipped away...just like that.
"try to understand that which you'll never understand" - bleed like me, garbage.
image: fc03.deviantart.com/fs17/f/2007/180/1/2/Gilde
Shine on and be happy!!!
ang matigas ang ulo nasa huli ang pagsisisi :-)