we're on the last month of the first quarter of the year. time flies,indeed. i can still remember the smell of fireworks last new year like it was just yesterday and wow, summer's coming already!!!
last month, my dad went to manila for a reunion with the "murphy brats". murphy, being camp murphy (now camp aguinaldo)is where my dad's family lived for a time. my grandfather was a high ranking officer in the military. they had the camp reunion after 25(?) years. anyhoots, so my dad went home and a day before he left, he sent me a message "kai, anong number ng mommy mo?". hahahahaha. he was asking for my mom's number. they've been separated for 20 years now. i texted him back "why?" and he just replied "nothing, just trying if i could have it." wierd. hahaha. i texted him back "wait, i'll ask the madamme first".
so i called up my mom and asked her if i could give her number to my dad. i told her he asked for it. not really surprising but still wierd, my mom was ecstatic! haha. so instead of giving my dad her number, i gave my mom my dad's number and she was the one who sent him a message.
they're friends now. nice. i never really expected it to happen, after all these years. wow.
still swimming in my bliss over my parents' newfound friendship, i received a text message from my ex who's the dad of my son. he said "hi, can we talk?". we've broken up around 3 years ago and never really found a common ground to be amicable with each other after lots of hullabaloo. so i replied and told him my work schedule and to just let me know when he is free for the talk. i was expecting that it'd be about arrangements for our son, who's going to be in grade 1 by june.
the day after, he texted me and asked if we could meet after my work. i said ok and asked permission from the boyfie, my big dinosaur. he said it's okay and he also thinks i have to talk to my ex. so we did talk that night. it went really great. we talked about all the things and decisions we both did. we've come into an agreement to be good friends for our son. past is past and we agreed to not let the things in the past bother us anymore. we've talked about the new arrangements this coming june and we've actually laughed at some things and chitchat about life itself...we've grown, i think. it was nice to see him realize things because i did so.
this was one of those big unexpected moments. he was the one who cut off all ties after we broke up. it was hard coz we have a son but now i'm so glad the war is over, officially. i've wished for this for years. i want to end all the burden and pain - forget what has been.
so thank you, high heavens, for giving these to me. i'm happier now. thank you really. evoke good vibes and good vibes you shall get. thank you, thank you, thank you.
Shine on and be happy!!!